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A Sacred Thing

“A journey can become a sacred thing.
Make sure, before you go,
To bless your going forth,
To free your heart of ballast
So that the compass of your soul
Might direct you towards
The territories of spirit
Where you will discover
More of your hidden life;
And the urgencies
That deserve to claim you.” – John O’Donohue

The Hero Path by Joseph Campbell

“We have not even to risk the adventure alone
for the heroes of all time have gone before us.
The labyrinth is thoroughly known …
we have only to follow the thread of the hero path.
And where we had thought to find an abomination
we shall find a God.
And where we had thought to slay another
we shall slay ourselves.
Where we had thought to travel outwards
we shall come to the center of our own existence.
And where we had thought to be alone
we shall be with all the world.”

May awe, wonder, ease claim you today.
In the temporal and transcendent.
Thin spaces, wide open fields.
Big and small.
Far and wide.
Near and far.
Moving, unfolding, and following that still small voice.
Trusting intuition, swimming upstream, going off trail.
Inquiry, open, awake.

“One of the most exciting and energizing forms of thought is the question. I always think that the question is like a lantern. It illuminates new landscapes and new areas as it moves. Therefore, the question always assumes that there are many different dimensions to a thought that you are either blind to or that are not available to you. One of the reasons that we wonder is because we are limited, and that limitation is one of the great gateways of wonder.”― John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World

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