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Permission Slip

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson

What are you stopping yourself from doing, being, believing, feeling, becoming?

Fear, resentment, assumption, judgment, blame, keeping score, the past, the future, the “shoulds,” the “should nots,” fairness, selfishness are speed bumps, road blocks and stop signs to living a good and full life. Our mindset and attitude determine whether we are frozen in one place or free to become what we are meant to be while we are here for a very short time.

It’s time for a “field trip.” Give yourself a permission slip to remove these barriers. A field trip where you let go of the past and future and be present to each day’s gifts and beauty.

A field trip that gives you permission to let go, to forgive, to be aware, to laugh more, to lighten up, to go easy on yourself and others, to feel compassion, to be kind, to love more and unconditionally, to be happy for others, to give more, to be enthusiastic, to go deeper, to listen, to be quiet, to have faith and hope, to see the best in all, to encourage, to be delighted, to be open to the incredible.

A field trip to live your life to the fullest. Write that permission slip today. You are the only one who can sign off on it.

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