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Posts tagged ‘Butterfly’

Wing Building

“If you are falling….dive.”― Joseph Campbell

“I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.”― Anais Nin

To be never done.
Yet content.
Slow then sudden.
Tipping points.
Thresholds and transitions.
Masterpieces in the making, never finished.
Trust the still small voice.
Doing the next right thing.
The stuff of transformation.
Of wing building.

“When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.”― Dean Jackson

Aptitude to Fly

“A power of Butterfly must be –
The Aptitude to fly
Meadows of Majesty concedes
And easy Sweeps of Sky”― Emily Dickinson

“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”― Leonardo da Vinci

Butterflies have been crossing my path all week.
Dancing with delight.
Landing for a second on still blooming flowers.
Classroom in nature.
Ever present.
Free from spiraling thoughts, fabrication, worry.
Light and easy.
Resetting. Recalibrating. Renewing.
Giving up the unnecessary to defy gravity and take flight.

“You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”― Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon