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According to Wikipedia, diversification in finance means reducing risk by investing in a variety of assets. It translates to an excellent strategy in our everyday life as well. Diversify your days by investing your time and attention in a variety of assets – family, friends, faith, health, adventures, career, dreams, goals and fun.  You will reduce the risk of looking back on your life with regrets – an awesome return on investment.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Hello, I simply wanted to take time to make a comment and say I have really enjoyed reading your site.
    Welcome to my website investment advisor.

    January 21, 2012
  2. Reblogged this on karboojeh Handmade Jewelry and commented:
    I got advice today to focus on one craft line, one specialty, one thing… this is basically the same advice from a couple of blogs specializing in helping emerging handmade start-ups.
    The idea of living my life focused on one thing does not sit well with me:
    I have already finished around 15 years in media, PR, and music. In between I wrote UNDP reports, translated documents, traveled, toured for music, wrote copy for advertisements, sang jingles for big brand like Coca Cola, worked as assistant director for a couple of nation-level documentaries, been interviewed, appeared in a documentary film about my music career. I gave song-writing workshops, planned PR campaigns for major brands and conferences, single-handed-ly covered international conferences, designed ads, managed magazines… and NOW YOU TELL ME TO FOCUS ON ONE THING?
    The most boring thing in life is to squeeze the adventure and the beauty of exploring our human potential out of our life and to put our selves inside a cubicle, and think it is wise!
    I believe the human mind is capable of going beyond conditioning and boundaries. All people have imaginary limits of our true potential as people. I have jiggled jobs, careers, and hobbies all in the span of 15+ years, I took music lessons, tennis lessons, I played basketball, I swam, read so many books about everything from para-psychology to mythology and Sufism, I traveled to God knows how many countries. I know, I have tasted it, I know it, I know what I’m talking about. Human ability to master more than one thing is infinite, you just need to believe in it. It’s not a theory.
    So, when I decide to paint on fabric besides making jewelry… I guess I have every right not to listen to a lecture about focusing on one thing. Because if I ever had focused on one thing I wouldn’t have the 4-page abridged CV I have, nor the adventure, nor the experience, nor the wisdom, nor the gratefulness to have known life this way… and I am still hungry for more, for more heights, spiritual heights… where can my soul reach… without confinement of human theories about what must be and what mustn’t be. I long for the Truth of our existence, what are we capable of spiritually. Who are we? If we pause all theories and lies about who we are, if we silence the world and sit with ourselves, and listen to the voice of Truth, we will realize we are more… mush more than fashion shows, and catalogs, and stupid social codes that dwarf our real Truth, our True Being.
    … I just found this inspiring blog post by a fellow WordPress blogger, and I thank her for visiting my blog thus introducing me to her incredibly inspirational blog.
    Diversify. Amen!

    February 12, 2012
  3. Hi… I just reblogged your post onto my blog. Thanks for helping me affirm my belief! Thanks, thanks, thanks!
    I read this post just when I was carrying out an inner argument about “not” focusing my craft endeavor on one thing… and you made me win my argument with this post.

    February 12, 2012

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